"Today I’m gonna be the best version of myself. And if I’m not, I’ll hit the reset button."
1. Modifications
If any of you have taken an instructional workout class, the trainer explains the movement and then typically gives modifications to either make it easier or more advanced. Arrogant me, I typically aim for the advanced movement. In a recent class, the Nike Master Trainer Kirsty Godso said:
“Sometimes the lesser modification is better than the advanced move. Don’t think just because it’s advanced that it’s better. Sometimes a modification works better for your specific needs.”
That bit of coaching helped me through that particularly tough workout, rather than giving up.
2. You’re Allowed
A more recurring feeling that we all might share is, why do we work so hard every day? Why do some days feel like a rat race?
In my previous post on Stuff, I wholeheartedly recommend the book A Pslam for the Wild Built by Becky Chambers. Spoiler alert, one of my favorite lines in it is:
“You keep asking why your work is not enough, and I don’t know how to answer that, because it is enough to exist in the world and marvel at it. You don’t need to justify that, or earn it. You are allowed to just live. That is all most animals do.”
For me, that quote gives me a sense of calm during turbulent situations. It is indeed enough to exist, with no expectation of productivity or positivity. I need to remind myself of this often.
3. Same Direction
In a recent mediation session on Headspace, the lesson related to being stuck in a traffic jam. When we see someone cut us off or go slow, we get upset at them for causing the traffic. Yet, the reality is - we ARE the traffic.
We are all heading in the same direction. And when we think of it like that, then our stress lightens up, just a little bit.
I get frustrated when I’m not productive enough with my time. In my mind, I believe if the day was structured in a certain way, it would allow for more ‘free’ time to do other things. But for whatever reason, maybe I’m distracted or something unexpected pops up, I’m not productive and I get frustrated.
It helps to think that what I’m feeling is being felt by countless others. That we’re all in this thing together, just trying to do our best and be our best.
Find a quote, a mantra, or a principle that helps you through a hard day. Here are a few more I’ve written about, 4 Sticky Coaching Tips.
(today could still be great)
Even though it may have been a tough day, at any moment it could turn around and end up being a great day. That depends on your mindset, but here are a few things I find that don’t hurt. ;)
➩ If it’s still early in the day, indulge in your favorite cup of coffee or latte. I’ve got a jar of Blue Bottle’s Craft Instant Multiserve Expresso on deck.
➩ Watch one of your comfort movies. Mine is The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.
➩ Head out for an extended workout, perhaps a jog around the neighborhood.
➩ Text, call up, or, better yet, meet up with a friend you know that’ll make you feel great.
Loved “Psalm for the Wild Built.” Another quote I quite enjoyed:
“Do you not find consciousness alone to be the most exhilarating thing? Here we are, in this incomprehensibly large universe, on this one tiny moon around this one incidental planet, and in all the time this entire scenario has existed, every component has been recycled over and over and over again into infinitely incredible configurations, and sometimes, those configurations are special enough to be able to see the world around them. You and I—we’re just atoms that arranged themselves the right way, and we can understand that about ourselves. Is that not amazing?”