Venture Out
Venture Out Podcast
EP04: Interview with Writer, Athlete, and Coach, Ashley Richmond!

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EP04: Interview with Writer, Athlete, and Coach, Ashley Richmond!


New Year’s is just another milestone date, but extremely useful to have as our feeble human brains crave demarcations. Let’s maximize it by setting ourselves up with a game plan for this upcoming year, with some healthy habits, routines, and perspective.


I met Ashley online via Medium.  With over 27,000 followers and her most read article of A Recent Study Has Revealed the Long-Term Impact of Drinking Coffee Every Day achieving over 231,000+ views, it’s no wonder Medium’s algorithm connected us!

But what else makes Ashley interesting to chat with besides being a writer is that she’s an athlete, playing ice hockey and have been a member of the New Zealand ice hockey team since 2017, and her coaching, with a motto of, “I help high achieving women build muscle and get lean without cutting calories or spending hours in the gym.”

“My mission is to utilise the power of words to empower people to live healthy and meaningful lives.”

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Venture Out Podcast
Deconstructing and learning about positivity and productivity from people who excel in all sorts of fields. Get to know them, get to know what habits are allowing them to achieve.